Uplifting young individuals in rural area is our ultimate tool to develop the young nations

“YSRD’s t Group” is for the development of bright young rural individuals and to offer free guidance and development from our wide network with alumni from IIMs, Cambridge, NITs, and IES ranks, laywers and PhD, etc.

Since 2011, we have driven various government approved technical courses for underprivileged young rural students under the KSVMM umbrella. Our members have rich experience of working in rural areas from last many decades. 

We have touched more than thousand young students’ lives in the rural areas of Pune, Deoulgaoraja, Buldhana, Aurangabad, Nashik, Shekhapur, Kawalgaon and Deglur in the states of Maharashtra, Karnataka and Telangana. We educate and guide young rural students who are about to join the job market in their rural area. Rural students lag behind the big city students in terms of general awareness about the opportunities, let alone thinking about any big corporate career or entrepreneurship. With YSRD’s solid steps in terms of training, guidance and support towards their better career, many students are able to get the job in their preferred fields.​​

​Soon we aim to cover rural Bangalore and Nagpur area. We are expanding all over India and looking for more members, volunteers and institutional partners to work with our great team